Sunday, December 4, 2011

9. Given the authority to establish a holiday, what would you choose to commemorate? Why? What would the celebration look like?

If i had the authority to make up a holiday I would choose September 11. For one, September 11 is now a part of American history. It has shaped everyones lifes drastically whether they admit it or not, for some people it has been because of their loses or for others because of the war. I believe the citizens of America should have that day off to mourn, because not just the people that were in the tower died, also people who helped rescue and clean up afterwards.

13. Write a letter to your future college roommate introducing yourself and your background.

Dear Future College Roomate:
My name is Sylvia Plath and I'm 19 years old. I am from Chula Vista, CA and it has always been my dream to become a Bruin and now here we are, I have been assigned to you as a roomate so I thought I would share somethings about myself. I come from a mexican heritage with lots of family and friends. I have a boyfriend who I've been steady with for two years now. What I'm majoring at the moment is to become a nurse practitioner and I hope to achieve. I'm a very reserved girl who doesn't like to cause problems but I will tell you if your doing something I dont quite like, apart from that you have nothing to worry about because I'm someone easy to get along with. Well i hope to see you really soon in our dorm.
Sylvia Plath

14. Please describe your reactions/ideas to the following quote: "He does not possess wealth, it possesses him."

I agree with the quote "He does not posses wealth, it posses him" for many reasons. For one, many people become selfish and greedy therefore, making them do harsh things that they dont care about. Also huge corporations, like Walmart, dont apprehend their workers to their needs because they dont want to spend more money on them than they need to. Another reason would be in wealthy families where the man of the house is never home because he is always working. The man only works to recieve more and more money so that he can be shisty and have all the money therefore making the money possess the man to get more.

15. What is the most valuable contribution you could make to a college campus? Explain.

The most valuable contribution that I could make to a college campus would be my achivements. Mainly becuase most schools look for students who want to achieve. By achieving great things more future students will hear about the accomplishments making them want to choose that campus thus, making the college richer. Also, it would help the school by bringing in more intellectual students and making the school be known for its achievements.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

17. Discuss some issue of personal, local, national, or international concern and its importance to you.

An issue or concern that is inter-national and personal to me is war. I -as many other people- am directly affected by the war, my brother-in-law who I truly consider a brother is in Afghanistan at the moment for 365 days. I hear about the many things that happen over there and about the tragic stories that end with a soldier less. I hear about the near deaths of him and how they are attacked everyday. I heard about the story where a car was speeding to their station and the soldiers on duty didn't know if to shoot down the car or wait for their sargent to reply with his command. Thankfully the soldiers didn't wait and started shooting down the car which was full of explosives that still managed to hit the station and injured soldiers, but not as much as it would have if the soldiers hadn't made that decision to start shooting the car down. So why does the world put themselves through so much pain and grief only to keep harming themselves? In the end the only thing war does is kill many innocent lives and destroy their country that will usually end up in debt after the war.

18. If you could choose two things to change about our high school campus, what would they be and why?

Two of the many things I would change about my school Castle Park Senior High would be the new administration and all of the bad media the student body is obtaining. To start off, this new administration is treating us students as kids who haven't done any good. For instance, when there is a problem within the school they practically punish every student for the problem instead of dealing only with the culpable. Before, when we had our old administration, students would be privileged with wearing a hat if they did good in school. Now the only way for a student to be able to wear a hat is only if it has the school logo. Also, in assemblies we used to be able to say whatever we wanted and now the administration-especially Mrs. Grossman- refrains us from saying what we want to say, taking away our freedom of speech. With our old principal we would always see him hanging out around campus during lunch in the quad and he would also go to every football game including junior varsity and freshman, unlike our new principal who always stays inside her office and only goes to varsity football games because students and parents started wondering why she was never around after the first couple of games that she didn't go to. I would also like to change all the bad media the school is getting. I understand the incident with the football players did involve the students but either way they didn't get the story right making the school seem like it is gang affiliated. Another problem concerning the media was the incident with one of our teachers in possession with meth. She was caught in North Park which is no where near the school and it has nothing to deal with students yet why are we the ones who look bad? Therefore, these are two of the main things i would like to change about our campus to make it a better place.

19. Should school attendance be mandatory? In your answer, be sure to explore what the function of education is, and what our nation would look like i

Education always has a major impact in human beings life whether its just the minimum of education or if they have a doctoral degree. School attendance should be mandatory to an extent where students aren't patronized for being tardy or for the way they dress. Education is a necessity in helping shape a child's life in how their personality and future life goals may be. Also, education helps modify behavior in learning from past mistakes and how to make them better, therefore, also making it a need. Our nation needs education for our society to learn the do's and don'ts of right's and duties of our country. Education also trains humans for unity and what to expect in outcomes ahead of them.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

20. If you had the ability to talk to one species of animal, which animal would you choose to communicate with? Why?
I would choose to communicate with an Octopus. One of my main reason is because I would love to learn about the life in sea as one of the most known terrifying species in the ocean. Also, the way an octopus moves makes it seem as if it is reverent to the whole ocean ,therefore, making other species know that the octopus is not one to mess with. Another reason would be because of the many arms they acquire. I would like to comprehend what it feels like to be able to do so many things at one time. Lastly, I would also like to know the secrets of the ocean and the things an octopus does to survive.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Sylvia Plath

Born in October 27, 1932- February 11, 1963, in Jamaica Plain, Massachu- setts, Sylivia Plath first started to write poetry and plublish at a young age. Some of her aspiring works include Ariel and the Bell Jar.